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What people are saying
RFID Journal: LewisGale Medical Center has saved approximately $40,000 in scrub inventory expenses

What people are saying
RFID Journal: LewisGale Medical Center has saved approximately $40,000 in scrub inventory expenses

Global Solutions
DRESSCODE™ is our Global software application for inventory management
Strategic Partners
Autovalet works with a range of partners to integrate our automated solutions with the products and services they offer.
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What people are saying
Alton Towers, UK
"DRESSCODE™ has replaced literally thousands of pieces of paper. And it’s also given us a clear view of our inventory so we now know what we have and what we need to buy. Just from those savings alone, the system has already paid for itself"
Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong
"DRESSCODE™ now gives us all the information we need to hold employees to account. It also shows the stocks we have of each item, allowing us to buy what we need"